Podcast #113
John Steppling, , Dennis Riches, Shaenah Batterson, Johan Eddebo, Max Parry, Hiroyuki Hamada, Varun Mathur, Cory Morningstar, and Lex Steppling
misspoke at the end: its Fascism is anticommunism and Communism is anti-fascism.
“What is fascism but colonialism at the very heart of traditionally colonialist countries.” Franz Fanon
glorifying nazism
My daughter will insist that I correct the record. She is not a Taylor Swift fan. That anecdote about the girl who was disappointed with her concert tickets was someone else.
I once read a book called “Designer Boys and Material Dreams” written by one Dave Hill which was all about 80s pop music and Hill made an interesting comment about the difference between music and audiences in the 50s/60s and in the 70s (the latter being the age I can relate to). Hill’s observation is that the performers of the 70s were “creatures of twilight rather than limelight”. He was thinking of e.g. Roxy Music and David Bowie (twilight) as opposed to Elvis and the Beatles (limelight).
John’s comment about meeting up with Howlin’ Wolf made me wonder about the difference between his generation and mine. And the “sinking in spirit” that seemed to come about in the course of the “cynical 70s”. There is a sense of a shrinking, of an increasing mistrust, and an increasing expectation that if you are too open you’ll risk being attacked.