Feb 29Liked by John Steppling

Politically immature is a perfect description of the majority of people, especially in the USA. The global "cabal" is a loose affiliation of corporate billionaires in late stage capitalism and has nothing to do with communism or socialism, (as John points out still the biggest boogiemen hiding under the bed) but because people have little understanding of history, philosophy and political ideology and cannot comprehend another system...they willing to even discuss and learn. The evidence points to the pandemic being a huge step toward the system and those at the top of it establishing more control over with world's population using fear of pathogen. Questioning the pandemic is verboten..unless the debate revolves around where the so-called deadly pathogen came from. It's OK to think it came from a lab, that conspiracy circulates all over, just never consider that it was a ruse to begin with and there was no new pathogen....and because the ruse worked so well, the model will likely be used over and over again. I know you guys don't like to "go there" but I still think exposing the fraud of the pandemic is crucial at this point in our reality.

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On March 20th, 2024, I started cross-posting some articles from my blog on substack, and the first one covers what I discussed about Rwanda on episode 100. https://dennisriches.substack.com/p/the-historiography-of-rwanda-30-years

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