Jun 11·edited Jun 11Liked by John Steppling

Re: climate scares that never happened, I’m surprised you didn’t mention this beauty from Mr Spock himself:


Within the lifetime of our grandchildren there may be a new ice age. This from 1979!

But as you mentioned, no-one is impressed when you say this is all propaganda spun by manipulators who are laughing at us. I don’t know if this is because the catastrophe programming has sunk so deep or if there’s something within the public psyche that just wants it to be true.

In our workplace, there has been a directive from on high that covid positives no longer require any particular treatment since covid is now regarded as just another flu strain. Instead of everyone celebrating this, the staff are appalled at this “lack of responsibility” shown by those big bosses. The propaganda has been all too successful. Everyone has been whipped up to almost relish this covid catastrophe and they feel cheated if it’s no longer “a thing”.

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Yep and they're pretending like fauci was in charge.

Another dog and pony show. But people are less gullible and the new scams like bird flu and mpox are not working.

Fauci Was NOT in Charge of Covid Policy. The National Security Council Was.


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i did mention it, actually, albeit very briefly --and yeah, the famous Spock warning doc. That was really widely watched, too. I remember lots of scary shots of blizzards and the artic.

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Jun 12·edited Jun 12Liked by John Steppling

Note how Spock was talking about "global cooling". Later it was of course "global warming".

Which is a nice demonstration of how the ruling class have already decided on the aim of the propaganda and just leave an "X" to mark the content - in this case: they decide to scare the shit out of the public and then decide how to do it.

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