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Aug 6Liked by John Steppling

I’m sorry to stick this comment in without having heard this latest podcast but my recent surfing around has produced another dispiriting influx of ignorant anti-Marxist guff.

The mind manipulators of the 2020 rhetoric reversal knew what they were doing. Over and over I find that the kind of Marxist analysis that is indispensable has been, as it were, filtered out by the sad defection of the Marxist contingent over to the “covid sphere” i.e. they were hoodwinked into that successful recruitment to the new biosecurity paradigm where they all presuppose the shibboleths of the new “woke Leftism” e.g. the post covid assumption of the necessity of constant vaccinations, the random proclamations of the “climate science”, the bizarre and incoherent determinations of the transgender cult etc.

Meanwhile, what has been left behind to take up the true fight against these shibboleths is that anti-Marxist contingent who haven’t a clue about history or the materialistic underpinnings of our capitalist civilisation. And I am convinced that an army of moles has been instructed to guide this unenlightened mass in a specifically anti-Marxist direction by resurrecting all the old Cold War tropes about Marx, communism and socialism etc.

Thus I keep hearing about “Fabianism”, “Freemasonry”, “The Banksters” and, most curiously, “The Bolsheviks”. And I feel tempted to shout, “Where? Where exactly ARE these evil commies?”

It’s like being trapped in a bubble of presuppositions from the 50s and I suppose that in itself is a tribute to the effectiveness of the propaganda.

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Aug 7·edited Aug 7Liked by John Steppling

They expected a future like the world in V for Vendetta where a really deadly disease allowed for the govt to run martial law.

What we got was a fake and it couldn't last enough for them to get the lockdown martial state.

Bio weapons were attempted for decades and never worked. Even the anthrax scare was hype and some died from toxic antibiotics. Usually that's the cause, like polio was caused by DDT, etc...

(Also recall that before they combined the flu with pneumonia, there were only 200 or so deaths of the flu... Whatever that is as they can diagnose conjunctivitis as bird flu 😂)



But yes, the red vs blue shit was well played. Trump supporters still ignore the fact that he went along with it. They act like he was tricked. Ok for a year or two.... But he still promoted the jabs until a few months ago... He's a tool like every other politician.

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Well... If you look at the graph of total deaths in NYC for example, there was a blip during 1918. Hmmm reminds me of covid.


In another article, she also looked into Russian travel advisories around the time of the Spanish flu to see what they said about it. Nothing.

You would think a deadly global Spanish flu would be in their advisories to watch out for in Europe or USA.

Some factors for the Spanish flu... World war 1 which reduced nutrition for people as a lot went to the war. Over use of aspirin which thins the blood leading to pooling in the lungs. And of course the wonderful chemicals used to manufacture the weapons for war.

History is written by the winners.

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ok, but are you suggesting the 1918 spanish flu was NOT influenza? Because all your co-factors included, there are mountains of evidence for influenza killing people in 1918. Now, what is frustrating is how intentionally statistics are being scrubbed for everything to do with respiratory diseases. The govt has literally gone back and redacted information about influenza and auto immune conditions, i mean probably far more than that. But look guys...Ebola is a virus. If its not, what is killing those people? But per Influenza..... im old enough that my family knew people who died from the spanish flu in 1918. My father was seven or eight at that time. Its very hard to insist this was somehow a hoax. And by the way, russian travel advisories from 1918 might be the most obscure argument EVER in any such discussion. Did they even have travel advisories in russia in 1918? https://academic.oup.com/jid/article/130/6/686/823073

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The main point there is that despite the Spanish flu pandemic, the NYC total death numbers only blipped up and went back down. It wasn't what they said it was.

Who knows what happened. It was during a war and there's many other factors. But still, it was not the pandemic they claimed.

I'm not saying it's a hoax, I'm saying that

You see in the graph, the 1850s had huge death spikes that lingered. That was the time where people lived in squalor in the city, lacking clean water and sanitation. Was it bacterial or toxic? Who knows, probably multiple factors.

As for ebola, I recall a story of where 4 people were flown from Africa to NYC to get treatment. 2 of them got better before treatment and the other 2 recovered with treatment. The 2 that healed point to the idea that it was an environmental exposure, probably water contamination by factories and garbage piles.

A similar case is polio. At the time they were using DDT in many places. I'm sure you got sprayed too. What does DDT cause? Paralysis. But polio virus came at an opportune time to take the heat off of DDT.

After all, you can't sue a virus if they claim that's the cause. It took the heat off the chemical companies.

After the vaccine can't out, getting paralysis was called transverse myelitis.

Polio cured by being renamed! The vaccine was a "success".

(And they called covid shot issues "long covid")

All of these stories have multiple factors that are ignored in favor of the contagion theory.

In 2020, we saw it happen over and over.

Same shit, different decade.

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My mother had polio as a girl. I'm sure there are huge unknown mediating factors to all such stories. But I'll let my people know you'd be happy to volunteer as a nurse during the next ebola outbreak. But your point is...? Vaccines don't work... Correct?

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Ebola outbreaks happen in toxic areas. I would not go there. If it was in the USA, I would not be afraid. When they sent Americans to NY to get treatment for ebola, they were on normal flights, without any isolation, no masks, no filtration.

Here's something else to look into. Transmission didn't happen in experiments of various diseases, including COVID.


My point is that we have been propagandized to think viruses cause everything which only promotes vaccines that do not have true safety studies nor efficacy studies.


Going by the facts, vaccines don't work and viruses are not the cause of disease.

Whatever they see as viruses are actually the result of damage, not the cause.

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John, I never considered that viral illness was not a real thing. But in 2020 I began a four-year investigation into the science around COVID (sars coV 2), who "discovered" it and how it was claimed to be "found" and declared to be a novel virus. I also looked into what was happening in the world and why a pandemic scam might have served the ruling class at the time, i.e. the repo markets and the shakiness of the financial house of cards, etc. I began to think the pandemic was not real but needed to understand what was going on. Remember the flu disappeared, which was a huge red flag, and anyone questioning was censored and called names for even suggesting the pandemic was a scam.

That led me to look into the creation of allopathic medicine and the medical/pharmaceutical cartel. Meanwhile, I had to learn how to read scientific studies and understand the methodologies involved in the experiments in order to see if there was fraud or obfuscation, going back to the first virus said to be discovered, the tobacco mosaic virus.

I also tackled the circular reasoning of the cartel and virologists to uphold their hypothesis of viral illness and contagion.

An aside: Virology and cancer are the two cash cows for the medical cartel. But another thing is certain, the directives we get from the medical industry is not about keeping us healthy, (except to keep factory workers healthy enough to do their jobs during the industrial revolution). It is about providing profits for those who profit and controlling the populace who used as guinea pigs for their petroleum-based treatments. Do these medicines stop symptoms? In some cases, yes, but by listening to the caveats at the end of commercials pushing these “medicines” you will also note that they harm more than they help. PLUS, symptoms are not the illness, they are symptoms of something amiss in the body. If your fish tank is dirty and your fish limp and sickly looking, do you dose it with antibiotics or clean the water. OK that's quite simplistic, but logical. Antibiotics kill bacteria which is needed for a healthy aquatic environment.

You ask "what else could cause have caused the illness....?" Probably lots of things but once the idea that germs are the cause, then that’s it. When we go to fires we always see firemen, we could say, well they probably caused the fire because they are always there. It’s a logical assumption, but we know better. When we see maggots in rotten flesh, did the maggots kill the animal?

Instead of asking what else could cause the disease...there is an actual scientific method used to prove a hypothesis (that germs cause disease and are contagious) circumstantial evidence is not proof. And by following that method when it comes to the science around viruses you may discover that virologist have continuously made excuses why following the actual scientific method has been unsuccessful in finding a virus and proving contagion by a germ. But by now there is so much funding and technology to support the hypothesis it has been declared a proved theory. Settled science, they call it.

John, if you are really interested, it’s not a quick and easy investigation, which is why most people never question or take on the task. But I encourage you to do it...not by reading what virologists say or taking what is written in medical journals as gospel, but doing a deep dive into the scientific papers supporting virology and learning to understand how to read them and then using your own critical analysis. Also look into logical fallacies to avoid falling prey to them and to recognize how virologists use them.

I look forward to your podcast every week and your deep analysis of culture, the arts and the world. But you fall short when it comes to this belief in viruses b, as we all have since we have been taught this worldview of illness from birth and because most have never spent the time to question and look into it. This also applies to doctors, who are not scientists, but medical practitioners trained to recognize symptoms that correspond with the latest big pharma treatment. If your entire life depends on a certain worldview how easy is it to even want to question it? Think about it?

Dennis Riches wrote a piece in his Lit by Imagination called The Privatization of Retirement Funds and Support for the Military Industrial Complex in which he notes that both the middle class and the underclass have been co-opted in some way into preserving the capitalist system that depends on the military industrial complex--and this also applies to the medical industrial complex, I say.

The immediate interests of doctors, patients and especially scientists who depend on funding to do their work (and that funding ALWAYS comes from the pharmaceutical industry or some connection to it) are connected to preserving the status quo and the worldview of the medical cartel and to their own personal security. Plus, they are afraid to question.

What does it serve them to question the validity of what they have been taught about illness? Some have, and they have been called names and lost the ability of licensed practice. They have been slandered in a way that no matter what side of the socio-economic and political spectrum you fall, you can find a reason to dismiss them. That is why it is important to look for yourself instead of judging based on those who have called out the fraud.

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I looked at what I coudl see of that paper and nowhere does it show the method with which a virus was found. Mountains of evidence forspanish flu? I would love to see it. I have seen the Rosenau experiment where the doctor tried to infect well people by putting them next to and even having them swallow snot of the people assumed to sick from the supposed infectious Spanish flu. Not one was made ill from exposure and much more. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/article-abstract/221687

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thanks for all this well thought out and researched information. I have my doubts as well about the reality of any virus. I think the old saying follow the money applies here. My

mother was a brilliant curandera who fed us from her backyard farm and my dad spent his life on or around the Atlantic learning how to fish and survive. My brother is 80 and my sister 83 both are robust people. We grew up in a small coastal town. None of us got the Clotshot. I think the research you did is brilliant and rare. And not easily dismissed. The medical establishment all over the world is corrupt because it’s driven by profit.

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When allopathic medicine was launched by Rockefeller and Carnegie they formed the AMA, they spent millions on a campaign to slander all curanderas and natural healers who carried forward, shared and used humanities knowledge of our relationship to the earth, plants and the nature of of life. the only way to administer medicine and healthcare was through the American Medical Association focused on petroleum based medicines and surgeries. All funding for the causes and treatments of illness soon came from the billionaire class, which had a vested interest. Meanwhile, they gathered all the natural cures handed down through humanity's history and attempted to synthesize them in the factory/laboratory, patent them and sell them. It's hard to patent a plant that grows in anyone's backyard or wild. Modern medicine and technology does amazing things setting and healing bones and giving people new knees, hips and such, fixing broken hearts, transplants ...I am not denying these advances. But when it comes to disease and what makes people sick, I think there was a wrong turn taken and it was taken for profit not health and well-being

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Also, you say " The govt has literally gone back and redacted information about influenza and auto immune conditions, I mean probably far more than that." What has been redacted about flu and autoimmune disorders except that they might be caused by exposure to chemicals and toxins in the environment or stress caused by the suffering of the underclass? I am curious where to follow up on that redaction and for what purpose you think it is being done. Do you have any links? I remember learning how hard it was for miners to prove black lung was caused by exposure to coal dust or mesothelioma from microscopic fibers used in so much of our manufactured environment. I am interested if you have information of the government hiding info about influenza and other diseases said to be caused by germs

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Spanish Flu wasn't a hoax. It was a misdiagnosis. Doctors and the public were already trained in a germ worldview. There is a problem with the germ theory of disease. First, the hypothesis of disease-causing germs smaller than bacteria was never proven via the scientific method and the experiments to prove contagion of Spanish Flu were a huge and utter failure. But the germ worldview gets us Bill Gates' GAVI sending vaccines to places in Africa where people have no access to abundant water, clean food and toilets. The cure for sickness couldn't be clean and abundant water, nutritious food and proper sanitation, right? The incongruity of that idea is food for eugenics theories. One can't blame the war for Spanish Flu because war is big business. But soldiers are guinea pigs for big pharma and cannot refuse the shots they are given before being sent off to fight someone just like themselves. Can't blame the latest "medicine" like aspirin or the vaccines or the chemical weapons that poisoned the European landscape, the soldiers and citizens and the food supply, or the austerity and hardships imposed during war on all but the rich and the suffering from the loss of loved ones and the fear that the enemy is coming. The same capitalists who create the chemical warfare create the medicines. Why not look at that? If one questions the germ worldview of disease one must be too stupid to understand "science" and also think the earth is flat or that nothing is real and all made up by the aliens/banksters/commies to hoodwink and control us. At least that is the general idea that has been inserted into these narratives.

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if it wasnt influenza, what was it?

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I doubt everyone died of the same thing, John, and each case of illness must be looked at individually. Fauci recently came out saying it was bacterial pneumonia that killed most people during Spanish flu, which he claimed was a result of having the flu. As Rob mentioned, Bayer had recently launched a commercial program to use aspirin yet doctors were not aware of how much to give patients. Soldiers returning from war suffered from exposure to poison gas and other chemical weapons and the vaccines they were given as guinea pig property of the US government. Fear, sorrow, repression and austerity programs and lack of nutritious food could be another cause of illness. Also the belief one will get sick has been shown to cause people to get sick. Those are just a few of the POSSIBLE causes of illness. There are many more. But show me where it was ever proven the patients HAD THE FLU, which is said to be a contagious virus. The Rosenau experiments failed utterly to prove contagion. In fact, they proved the Spanish flu was NOT contagious, thereby not meeting one of the properties of the so-called flu. The burden of proof is always on one making a claim, "people were sick from the Spanish Flu and died." A "scientific" claim must be proven using a controlled scientific experiment, not "well what else could it have been" especially since I (and Rob_ gave examples of things could have made a lot of people sick. Show me where this was done with the Spanish Flu? If I say Big Foot is real and you say prove it and I say prove Big Foot is not real, where does the burden of proof fall? I could say, well what else did all those people who claim they saw Big Foot see if not Big Foot?

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Aspirin over use thins the blood and results in pneumonia. Even the nih and others admit that most of the issues was from bacterial pneumonia, not the flu.


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The modern era of virology that we were taught to believe as gospel. Ever consider it's a charade of circular reasoning and well established fallacies, one that sidesteps looking at what health really is in favor of an allopathic cartel selling poisons for the body and the earth? It's part of the dominator culture that looks at everything as a war against something...the other, terror, drugs and germs., all enemies created for profit. so that the means of fighting war can be produced. There is no profit in health just like there is no profit in peace. Spanish Flu happened during a war when the earth, air and human beings were poisoned with the weapons of that war...and let's not forget the fear, which has been a proven health destroyer. We saw that clearly with the covid scam. People so afraid they went to ICU hyperventilating, tested pisitive via a bogus PCR test and were claimed to have covid, placed a ventilator and killed. I know, I'm just a conspiracy theorist trying to make myself feel important.

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Yep and many over dosed on aspirin.

Too much aspirin, blood thins enough to flood the lungs!

BTW, it's not communism but state-corporatism, aka fascism that's the problem.

Even the USSR was state corporatist.

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My point is that every instance of illness must be looked at individually, holistically, but allopathic medicine has a play book of symptoms and treatments. Funny that new diseases are always being discovered where the symptoms are the same as other diseases. Why is that? Any hypothesis must be falsifiable. Anyway....gotta go. This was another great podcast and yes, I seem obsessed with the virus issue when it comes to disease, but I think there is good reason to question and investigate what we have been taught all our lives. about health I am quite amazed how so many intelligent people dismiss this questioning as "conspiracy theory," especially people whose ideas and thoughts I respect.

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I was being facetious about communism, same as I was about terror, drugs and germs.

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Oh let's not forget the big enemy...communism, well actually, the people!

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I read this ...nowhere is there a valid controlled experiment mentioned proving a virus was found. The tests mentioned are bunk. Here is a piece written by a friend who is also one of those who did extensive research into covid and the virology itself after 2020. https://planetwavesfm.substack.com/p/the-fundamental-fraud?utm_source=publication-search&fbclid=IwY2xjawEkWW9leHRuA2FlbQIxMAABHbvF77gPfv0x8jtUVVLRi-wgaPxOwrqo8O6sDeN_JG_NxxX2itQD6zOkbQ_aem_OVHcZe5e_hONxhRJZa3J9Q

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Aug 6·edited Aug 6Liked by John Steppling

On the matter of handwritten letters versus emails, there is another curious effect of the latter: theoretically, email should have opened up a golden age of correspondence. An email can be as long as you want, it can be sent anywhere in the world instantaneously, and it doesn’t cost you anything. And yet I have found that no-one uses the medium. I have one old friend who went through a six year phase of participating in an email correspondence with me and I loved it. We would sometimes send each other several emails in the one day. He suddenly stopped at the odd time of September 2019 – around the time of Event 201 (I have a conspiracy theory about that but never mind).

But generally emails seem to generate an inverse effect: it’s as if the easier it becomes, the less it appeals.

And so I reckon the age of the Great Correspondences is over. No more Freud/Jung or Adorno/Berg tomes of letters.

Re: Why people don’t get angry by news scams, I think there is an instinctive feeling for where the power lies i.e. that the majority “want to be on the winning side” and will therefore automatically align themselves with what is clearly the sanctioned narrative. They don’t want to be outsiders, heretics, pariahs since that will risk them being the target of a witch hunt etc. In short, it’s all about group pressure where the group belief can be projected by those who control the media.

This would apply even more to the celebrity contingent where these “stars” felt vulnerable in that their careers would be under threat should they dissent. In true Orwellian reversal mode, the media cast the compliant as “brave rebels” whereas the ones courageous enough to disagree were cast as “reactionary”, “giving in to the conservatives”.

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there was for sure an element of compliance as rugged individualism. Undeterred by crazy conspiracy theorists and misinfo miscreants. Coupled to the failure of so much of the left , the actual left, it created weird echoes to all the narratives

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There are numerous studies in educational circles showing how the learning of handwriting facilitates future artistic abilities. I learned to draw by practicing cursive daily and creating a strong hand to eye and back to hand ability. The loss of handwriting is tragic. But we haven’t seen real destruction yet because AI is just beginning.

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It seems the only hand to eye coordination children learn today is using the controller to play video games. Cursive writing and even printing helped me a lot with my drawing and then painting.

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We could mention here also the volumes of personal correspondence of famous writers and political figures that are pored over by scholars in archives throughout the world. Just the other day I came across an article about Neal Cassady’s “Joan Anderson letter” written to Jack Kerouac in 1950, and that became the basis of a film called The Last Time I Committed Suicide (1997). The full letter wasn’t discovered until 2014. Will scholars someday pore over the email threads of contemporary writers? Doing so just doesn’t have the same romantic appeal.

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Why do you think your friend stopped emailing right about the time of Event 201? Curious?

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Aug 8·edited Aug 8Liked by Hiroyuki Hamada

My friend (Sam) went into the oil industry and was once in the presence of George Bush Snr. He moved in high circles. Also, during our correspondence, Sam constantly surprised me by having a curious ability to track down just about anybody. And I used to joke about how he must have access to CIA software or channels.

So the memes were present: moves in the Bush Snr circle and has access to some advanced intel.

So here’s my “wacko” theory: it was September 2019 and Sam got a message from “above” giving a hint about the forthcoming pandemic psyop along with a directive to sever all ties to previous acquaintances to protect against accidental “spilling of the beans”!

That’s my Philip K Dick scenario.

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Well, it's not a bad theory. But we are told all those coincidences are really just convenient coincidences for those pushing the pandemic, right? They don't really "mean" anything do they?

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The shaping of the public mind has been aimed at the acceptance of coincidence as a fundamental principal to the extent that the moment any coincidence emerges there is an automatic indifferent shrug accompanied by a rolling of the eyes and the sentiment, “Oh wait till the conspiracy nuts hear about this!”

Thus coincidences are blocked from perception such that even to remark on them isn’t “the done thing”. This also applies to any oddity or incongruence e.g. if re: 9/11, fanatical Muslims were reported to have attended a brothel, it doesn’t register.

I honestly think the US govt could openly admit to 9/11 being an inside job and the public reaction would be, “Oh only a conspiracy nut would consider that significant!”

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The fanatical Muslim comment in relation to 911 is incongruent for sure, especially attending a brothel. I would question the validity of that report on its own and not even think of connecting it to 911. I would not think of that as a coincidence because there is no relationship to be drawn, except the lie that muslim fanatics "did the deed." But then remember that after 911 and the invasion and destruction of Iraq, many people when asked who orchestrated 911 answered Saddam Hussein.

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This is what you’re up against:


UK Column has provided much in the way of a good critique of the various aggressive psychological operations that have been applied since covid began. But the downside is that they are steeped in the familiar anticommunist rhetoric of the Cold War and consider the aforementioned psyops to be part of some communist plot etc. This extends as far as the “Godless communism” meme. And when you listen to their video podcasts they come across as ludicrously anachronistic and even comically quaint with their rants about the “Satanic” or “Luciferian” project at work.

They are utterly typical in this ferocious idealist view whereby they assume a pristine condition that would work out alright if it wasn’t for some alien intrusion which, in the manner of a melodramatic villain, just wants to “take what’s ours”. This villain wants to abolish our “freedom” which was taken for granted as some kind of God given right.

These anti-communists have no concept whatsoever of capitalism, of its ruthless push towards exploitation and of its inherent tendencies towards instability. They see the rot on the surface but cannot account for it other than by blandly attributing it to this external “Satanic” force. I recall Adorno’s “Minima Moralia” and that extended section called “Theses on Occultism” all about the regressive character of this idealist approach that inevitably slides into a conception of the supernatural. The link with David Icke and other “Conspiracy Theorists” is obvious. The result of all this is an impression of a dazzling façade (Satan, spirits, reptilian entities, aliens etc.) which invariably leads to a sense of monotony since, once these bizarre concepts are formulated, they cannot go anywhere.

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Yes, for sure....The unfortunate obtuse connection to Icke and the other bizarre concepts was a real stumbling block when trying to suss out the reality of the covid scam.

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2020 marked a bifurcation of critique in which the Marxists (by which I mean the Left who really understand the materialist interpretation of society and history) were largely seduced by the covid scam and disappeared from any relevant critique of the evolving biosecurity state – which critique was then sadly left to the non-Marxists who were very good at deconstructing psychological operations and propaganda but had none of that vital grounding in Marxism.

Consequently, critique of the biosecurity state was left to a sad array of “astral gazers”, reactionaries, anti-communists etc. And I frequently found myself groping with diminishing enthusiasm through weary accounts of freemasonry, astrology, numerology etc. Icke is very good at sussing out the propaganda technique. (He was particularly impressive on the introduction of the covid fearmongering into The West via what I think of as “The Italian Job”.) But then you have his Reptoid fixations and Erich von Däniken waffle.

I have found Simon Elmer to be the nearest thing to a Marxist interpretation that rejects the covid/climate/trans guff. And he’s not ideal, having a cumbersome prose style.

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“Taylor Swift terror threat arrest made as police swoop in on Iraqi national”

We are all Taylor Swift fans now!

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Aug 9Liked by John Steppling

Such is the desperate sparsity of unifying ideologies that the Western propagandists are reduced to fermenting a spurious camaraderie via a pop star to try and encourage mass support for their ventures .

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I was a bit disappointed nobody mentioned the UK situation with the Southport stabbings and ensuing riots. Any comments?

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also, i think the EU sees a need (with pro Zionist officials and influencers) to find justification for more assistance for israel. Its the islamaphobia card.

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i think because it feels like so utterly predictable and manufactured. We will see similar things other places in the EU Im sure. But likely next time it will make the docket.

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What is remarkable about the Southport stabbings is that the original incident seems to have disappeared from the media. On a search earlier today, I see that the only references to the initial incident all seem to date from a number of days ago and even a full week. The nearest I could get is this from The Guardian:

“Inquests into deaths of Southport stabbing victims opened and adjourned”

The accompanying article reiterates again the heartbreak, tragedy etc. But gives no new info.

Everything else focusses on the riots, the need for increased censorship etc.

This is indeed an indication that only the “shock and awe” factor of the original incident matters.

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And then there is the curious matter of the stabbings taking place during a “Taylor Swift dance class”(?!) This followed today by the announcement of terrorist threats disrupting Swift’s current tour.

I get the feeling of “total news management” as if the Taylor Swift connection is a desperate attempt to generate some kind of spurious feeling of public camaraderie.

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