Great discussion. Great links. So why are people afraid to see and admit and consider that their "leaders" do not have our best interests at heart? I think fear of losing whatever worldview makes them comfortable and of having to take some action. Many people went along because their jobs and livelihood was held hostage and others out of fear. And that is also why doctors and scientists mostly do not question what they are told is "settled science." But hey, no one from above is coming to save us so we better get together and hammer out a plan. I agree that the loss of cash in exchange for digital currency on. blockchain will be total control over the populace. In order to get out from under the gun, we will have to be off grid if even possible.
i thought that was going on with Bibi, too. Sell him out and replace him with a kinder gentler genocidaire. But hasnt happened. It didnt even really happen with biden (he had a stroke of some sort, clearly). So I think starmer was groomed for this. Let Chaiwala do a turn, and bojo.. and then bring in the assassin. Starmer is a fucking wanker (see that video of him working the heavy bag?) but he has the dead eyes of a sociopath. Ergo he's perfect. I don't think they see it as over the top, which is what worries me.
Another loser: Newsom. Why is he doing videos and promoting his authoritarian shit about homeless camps?
Doesn't he know that makes him look bad? He could do that without promoting it and the wealthy Californians would be happy nonetheless.
Also, how did the DNC not hype up other candidates in case things don't work out? They were able to take a nobody like Obama into presidency quick. This time around and in 2020 they had scrubs like Booty Judge and Beta Cucko who had no personality or character (even false character was lacking).
You would think they would have had someone at the bench to bring in. Even this VP is such a tool.
I'm sensing that either this is the "sacrifice" to the new leadership or they might bring RFK Jr in as a hero to battle Trump at WWE/election-mania 2024
its baffling. I keep thinking a convention coup is coming. But its only a week away now and on the face of it Kamala is the pick. But she is so stupid, drunk most of the time, and jaw droppingly ill informed. Can they really run with this? Also walz is a sinister figure i feel something is up. Just not sure what. (Michelle?)
Max said something in a previous podcast about how he finally gave up on OffG because he was so fed up with the dumbasses who trivialised every argument with puerile fixations – the appalling facetiousness of which was mercilessly revealed by the genocide in Gaza.
I have now reached a similar sense of abhorrence over exactly the same nauseating juxtaposition re: comments on the situation in Gaza which throw up the vicious incomprehension of so many bourgeois Western commenters who fall for the demonization of “Islamists”, such demonization being a very thinly disguised update of the old arrogant imperialism that condescended to “inferior races”. The very fact that the odious practitioners of this subterfuge tend to drone on with pedantic explanations as to why they “are not being racist” only goes to show how much of a deservedly guilty conscience they have.
These celebrity stooges are now leading the drumbeats against Iran with contrived guff about liberating dress codes which are cynically irrelevant to the true aim of the whipped up outrage: to justify an Israeli attack on Iran.
The language used over the “Covid months” was remarkably candid in its artificiality. I recall one report on TV news telling is that “the pressure on the NHS is off the scale”! I heard that and honestly thought I was in a Hollywood movie. Subsequent media coverage veered increasingly towards this merging of the news format with the nomenclature of the science fiction disaster feature, sometimes even explicitly referencing actual releases – the most obvious one being the movie Contagion from 2011. One of the most glaring parallels was the TV series “The Last of Us” which started filming in 2021 i.e. a year into the “pandemic”. This series was based on the notion of some fungus that transformed people into zombies and which some outlets were trying to spin as something that “might actually happen”.
My immediate social experience of the “pandemic” was to hear many around me adopt a cynical view from the start, some of them exploding into an ultra-sarcastic mode which was hardly surprising given the hyperbolic hysteria of the media. And I still feel that the single strongest and most essential aspect of the campaign was lockdown which brutally separated everyone for everyone else and stranded everyone within their own homes. Had that not happened, I have little doubt that the manoeuvre would never have been anywhere near as successful and may even have totally failed.
The Left reaction, as I have said so many times, was part of a cunning bifurcation of dissident opinion whereby “The Left” were totally on board with the covid programme whereas those opposed to it were relegated to “The Right”. The sad part was how well this worked and how eager this “Left” were to soak it all up.
The various media phenomena that emerged in the wake of all this seemed to be on an accelerating scale of absurdity. I have difficulty believing some of my memories. Was there truly an orchestra that turned up without instrumentsand pretended to play? A choir wearing masks? Kids in a classroom where each one was isolated in a separate tent?
Or Stephen Colbert’s “Vax Scene” with bearded dancers dressed up like syringes? (I recall one appropriate response to that: “What. Is. Happening?”)
The choreographed hospital dance routines is one that seems suspicious in retrospect. I would have thought it unlikely that actual staff would arrange these. And wouldn’t it be risky for any of the faces to be recognised? Was that all some kind of bluff to attract sceptics only to be dismissed as a huge prank?
On the topic of transgenderism/transhumanism, the gender issue is one of the most ominous developments in that the kind of images we have been deluged in over the last few years seem curiously sexless in the sense of unerotic. Previously, all forms of presented sexuality had that erotic feel about them – even for a heterosexual like myself to survey e.g. images of “gayness” was to feel that there was an eroticism about these images. I no longer feel that this applies to the trans images. Perhaps it is because the previous images had an honesty about them. A man could imitate a woman but he would never have dreamt of actually presenting himself AS a woman. And whilst musing on all this, I realised that every “trans” image I’ve seen had an unmistakably MALE aspect. From the images of the very young “transgender” (who looked like boys) to the ludicrously obvious old males dressed up as pantomime dames. And even to the ones in between who come closest to actual femininity have a certain brute angularity to them.
As for the “female-to-male” cases, they looked like actual men! Perhaps the most aggressive irony here is that this “rejection of patriarchy” comes across as the ultimate in male dominance.
Re: the increasing censorship of the UK and other places, I just got my Twitter account blocked for 12 hours for reasons that aren’t worth going in to. But it seems so ridiculously childish to have been given a smack on the hand and relegated to “the naughty chair” for an afternoon.
Facetious coincidental send-off: It’s interesting that the population of Norway (5.457 million) is almost the same as in Scotland (5.454 million).
Now, those dance routines ARE curious in retrospect. I remember at the time thinking I didnt know ANY nurses or doctors that would do that. No matter how bored they were. So what was the reason for them? Before answering that, I think you have touched on a very significant point regards Hollywood movies. I spoke recently (even a bit on this pod) about AI and sciencism reflecting a taste and aesthetics developed through watching film and tv. Our unconscious is now a film strip. Our inner voices are scripted by hack writers. Its a kitsch dealth cult in one sense. And brilliant observations on the trans issue. I said something not too different but not as well, with the appearance of this new grotesque. In thailand the trans culture (kathoey) aspire to beauty and feminity. You often really cannot tell. But that is not the case now in the West. And i agree there is an ominous aspect to this. George you should come be on a podcast.
Great discussion. Great links. So why are people afraid to see and admit and consider that their "leaders" do not have our best interests at heart? I think fear of losing whatever worldview makes them comfortable and of having to take some action. Many people went along because their jobs and livelihood was held hostage and others out of fear. And that is also why doctors and scientists mostly do not question what they are told is "settled science." But hey, no one from above is coming to save us so we better get together and hammer out a plan. I agree that the loss of cash in exchange for digital currency on. blockchain will be total control over the populace. In order to get out from under the gun, we will have to be off grid if even possible.
Hey next time can you turn on the transcript feature when you upload the video or audio? It works pretty well on substack.
The lipid particles are the issue. They had this issue way before spike protein and mRNA shots.
Genetics is a pseudo-science..... That's why even today, a dna "match" in court can be challenged.
I think the UK censorship is over the top on purpose with them going after a guy who just liked something.
It's like they're trying to make our 1984 world look bad.... Kamala too and Reid Hoffman saying he wants the ftc chair fired.
You would think they would have used that law during covid but they didn't... Hmm.
They're selling out the current leadership to pretend there's going to be new leadership.
1984 ending and Brave New World next.
I'm ok with that, much less crazy to control people with the carrots than sticks.
i thought that was going on with Bibi, too. Sell him out and replace him with a kinder gentler genocidaire. But hasnt happened. It didnt even really happen with biden (he had a stroke of some sort, clearly). So I think starmer was groomed for this. Let Chaiwala do a turn, and bojo.. and then bring in the assassin. Starmer is a fucking wanker (see that video of him working the heavy bag?) but he has the dead eyes of a sociopath. Ergo he's perfect. I don't think they see it as over the top, which is what worries me.
Oh yeah he's a piece of garbage.
Another loser: Newsom. Why is he doing videos and promoting his authoritarian shit about homeless camps?
Doesn't he know that makes him look bad? He could do that without promoting it and the wealthy Californians would be happy nonetheless.
Also, how did the DNC not hype up other candidates in case things don't work out? They were able to take a nobody like Obama into presidency quick. This time around and in 2020 they had scrubs like Booty Judge and Beta Cucko who had no personality or character (even false character was lacking).
You would think they would have had someone at the bench to bring in. Even this VP is such a tool.
I'm sensing that either this is the "sacrifice" to the new leadership or they might bring RFK Jr in as a hero to battle Trump at WWE/election-mania 2024
its baffling. I keep thinking a convention coup is coming. But its only a week away now and on the face of it Kamala is the pick. But she is so stupid, drunk most of the time, and jaw droppingly ill informed. Can they really run with this? Also walz is a sinister figure i feel something is up. Just not sure what. (Michelle?)
Max said something in a previous podcast about how he finally gave up on OffG because he was so fed up with the dumbasses who trivialised every argument with puerile fixations – the appalling facetiousness of which was mercilessly revealed by the genocide in Gaza.
I have now reached a similar sense of abhorrence over exactly the same nauseating juxtaposition re: comments on the situation in Gaza which throw up the vicious incomprehension of so many bourgeois Western commenters who fall for the demonization of “Islamists”, such demonization being a very thinly disguised update of the old arrogant imperialism that condescended to “inferior races”. The very fact that the odious practitioners of this subterfuge tend to drone on with pedantic explanations as to why they “are not being racist” only goes to show how much of a deservedly guilty conscience they have.
These celebrity stooges are now leading the drumbeats against Iran with contrived guff about liberating dress codes which are cynically irrelevant to the true aim of the whipped up outrage: to justify an Israeli attack on Iran.
The language used over the “Covid months” was remarkably candid in its artificiality. I recall one report on TV news telling is that “the pressure on the NHS is off the scale”! I heard that and honestly thought I was in a Hollywood movie. Subsequent media coverage veered increasingly towards this merging of the news format with the nomenclature of the science fiction disaster feature, sometimes even explicitly referencing actual releases – the most obvious one being the movie Contagion from 2011. One of the most glaring parallels was the TV series “The Last of Us” which started filming in 2021 i.e. a year into the “pandemic”. This series was based on the notion of some fungus that transformed people into zombies and which some outlets were trying to spin as something that “might actually happen”.
My immediate social experience of the “pandemic” was to hear many around me adopt a cynical view from the start, some of them exploding into an ultra-sarcastic mode which was hardly surprising given the hyperbolic hysteria of the media. And I still feel that the single strongest and most essential aspect of the campaign was lockdown which brutally separated everyone for everyone else and stranded everyone within their own homes. Had that not happened, I have little doubt that the manoeuvre would never have been anywhere near as successful and may even have totally failed.
The Left reaction, as I have said so many times, was part of a cunning bifurcation of dissident opinion whereby “The Left” were totally on board with the covid programme whereas those opposed to it were relegated to “The Right”. The sad part was how well this worked and how eager this “Left” were to soak it all up.
The various media phenomena that emerged in the wake of all this seemed to be on an accelerating scale of absurdity. I have difficulty believing some of my memories. Was there truly an orchestra that turned up without instrumentsand pretended to play? A choir wearing masks? Kids in a classroom where each one was isolated in a separate tent?
Or Stephen Colbert’s “Vax Scene” with bearded dancers dressed up like syringes? (I recall one appropriate response to that: “What. Is. Happening?”)
The choreographed hospital dance routines is one that seems suspicious in retrospect. I would have thought it unlikely that actual staff would arrange these. And wouldn’t it be risky for any of the faces to be recognised? Was that all some kind of bluff to attract sceptics only to be dismissed as a huge prank?
On the topic of transgenderism/transhumanism, the gender issue is one of the most ominous developments in that the kind of images we have been deluged in over the last few years seem curiously sexless in the sense of unerotic. Previously, all forms of presented sexuality had that erotic feel about them – even for a heterosexual like myself to survey e.g. images of “gayness” was to feel that there was an eroticism about these images. I no longer feel that this applies to the trans images. Perhaps it is because the previous images had an honesty about them. A man could imitate a woman but he would never have dreamt of actually presenting himself AS a woman. And whilst musing on all this, I realised that every “trans” image I’ve seen had an unmistakably MALE aspect. From the images of the very young “transgender” (who looked like boys) to the ludicrously obvious old males dressed up as pantomime dames. And even to the ones in between who come closest to actual femininity have a certain brute angularity to them.
As for the “female-to-male” cases, they looked like actual men! Perhaps the most aggressive irony here is that this “rejection of patriarchy” comes across as the ultimate in male dominance.
Re: the increasing censorship of the UK and other places, I just got my Twitter account blocked for 12 hours for reasons that aren’t worth going in to. But it seems so ridiculously childish to have been given a smack on the hand and relegated to “the naughty chair” for an afternoon.
Facetious coincidental send-off: It’s interesting that the population of Norway (5.457 million) is almost the same as in Scotland (5.454 million).
Also Finland 5.56 million.
Now, those dance routines ARE curious in retrospect. I remember at the time thinking I didnt know ANY nurses or doctors that would do that. No matter how bored they were. So what was the reason for them? Before answering that, I think you have touched on a very significant point regards Hollywood movies. I spoke recently (even a bit on this pod) about AI and sciencism reflecting a taste and aesthetics developed through watching film and tv. Our unconscious is now a film strip. Our inner voices are scripted by hack writers. Its a kitsch dealth cult in one sense. And brilliant observations on the trans issue. I said something not too different but not as well, with the appearance of this new grotesque. In thailand the trans culture (kathoey) aspire to beauty and feminity. You often really cannot tell. But that is not the case now in the West. And i agree there is an ominous aspect to this. George you should come be on a podcast.