From what I’ve seen on this side of the Atlantic, the anti-Trump sentiment is pretty much solidly rooted. I’ve heard the brain dead clichés of the old liberalism everywhere. And I love the deadly serious mode adopted by the ones who churn out this dreary mantra. But of course all of this is being spouted from a distance and via our poiso…
From what I’ve seen on this side of the Atlantic, the anti-Trump sentiment is pretty much solidly rooted. I’ve heard the brain dead clichés of the old liberalism everywhere. And I love the deadly serious mode adopted by the ones who churn out this dreary mantra. But of course all of this is being spouted from a distance and via our poisonous media.
As I said before, Solzhenitsyn is one of my pet hates. He stands as a splendid example of the sanctimonious fraud that the West is always so eager to canonise. Permit me my own rant which is no doubt based on an illegitimate comparison (or maybe not?) But decaying orders are always eager to grasp on to any mystical bullshit to obfuscate their decadence. And I see the whole Solzhenitsyn phenomenon as a re-staging and “magnification” of the Rasputin saga in which the gullible Empress Alexandra surrenders to the “charms” of this latter day witch doctor.
And while I’m on this platform, I can’t help having a go at Gavin Ashenden, a British Catholic “layman”, author and commentator, and Associate Editor of the Catholic Herald. Regarding the ferocious smear campaign against Jeremy Corbyn, Ashenden spoke of “those brave Jews within the Labour Party”. Another misty eyed pious wanker with an endless capacity for swallowing shit.
On the topic of our “reproductive achievements”, you might be interested in this:
Note the now familiar snappy new lingo. “Tech-bro” is a sneer to indicate some kind of misogynistic “lad’s club” and “pronatalism” is merely the commonplace sentiment to go forth and multiply which is now apparently “controversial”! And every trick in the Liberal demonology handbook is used to smear human reproduction. Making babies is “Right Wing”, a boost to the reintroduction of the Dickensian workhouse (yes, seriously!), “eugenicist”, “Christian fundamentalist”, and of course “misogynist”.
It’s basically another repetition of that Handmaid’s Tale scenario. But the bottom line is that babies are bad!
From what I’ve seen on this side of the Atlantic, the anti-Trump sentiment is pretty much solidly rooted. I’ve heard the brain dead clichés of the old liberalism everywhere. And I love the deadly serious mode adopted by the ones who churn out this dreary mantra. But of course all of this is being spouted from a distance and via our poisonous media.
As I said before, Solzhenitsyn is one of my pet hates. He stands as a splendid example of the sanctimonious fraud that the West is always so eager to canonise. Permit me my own rant which is no doubt based on an illegitimate comparison (or maybe not?) But decaying orders are always eager to grasp on to any mystical bullshit to obfuscate their decadence. And I see the whole Solzhenitsyn phenomenon as a re-staging and “magnification” of the Rasputin saga in which the gullible Empress Alexandra surrenders to the “charms” of this latter day witch doctor.
And while I’m on this platform, I can’t help having a go at Gavin Ashenden, a British Catholic “layman”, author and commentator, and Associate Editor of the Catholic Herald. Regarding the ferocious smear campaign against Jeremy Corbyn, Ashenden spoke of “those brave Jews within the Labour Party”. Another misty eyed pious wanker with an endless capacity for swallowing shit.
On the topic of our “reproductive achievements”, you might be interested in this:
“The disturbing rise of tech-bro pronatalism”.
Note the now familiar snappy new lingo. “Tech-bro” is a sneer to indicate some kind of misogynistic “lad’s club” and “pronatalism” is merely the commonplace sentiment to go forth and multiply which is now apparently “controversial”! And every trick in the Liberal demonology handbook is used to smear human reproduction. Making babies is “Right Wing”, a boost to the reintroduction of the Dickensian workhouse (yes, seriously!), “eugenicist”, “Christian fundamentalist”, and of course “misogynist”.
It’s basically another repetition of that Handmaid’s Tale scenario. But the bottom line is that babies are bad!